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A Healthier, Happier, Well Balanced You

Home: Welcome


Making Health & Fitness An Enjoyable Lifestyle

Hi! I'm Morgan, a NASM Certified Trainer who has a heart for seeing people experience a free and fulfilling healthy life.


My passion is to help guide people towards a healthier, more well balance lifestyle and therefore into a more confident and stronger version of themselves. I strive to accomplish this by investing in the MGF fitness community and building a home where you can be and feel inspired, equipped, challenged, and uplifted in your fitness journey! But while having FUN along the way!

Through signing up for my 1-on-1 Workout Programming or participating in my Virtual Group Fitness Challenges and engaging in the content on my Instagram page, we will achieve TOGETHER growth in our fitness journeys while having fun, working hard, and having the support of others who are also striving to live a healthy life and meet new fitness/wellness goals.


Workout Programming Client

"I’m so glad 1) I found you and 2) that I’ve stuck with it. I’m proud of myself and truly believe this is why I’ve really enjoyed being pregnant! And this is the first time I’ve followed an actual program and I can definitely tell a difference. It’s exactly what I needed and wanted. Plus I love going into a workout not having to think about what I’m gonna do haha you’re the best!"


What People Are Saying About
MGF On-Demand Classes & Programs...

I want to feel strong and feel healthy, MGF inspires me to push myself to reach those goals. The physical work that I put in from MGF classes helps me build the muscle I want to, as well as making me a stronger individual with the other activities I like to participate in. I notice that I am a faster/stronger runner and hiker because of MGF

-Mackenzie, 30s

The Virtual Workout Challenge created a routine for me, which I think is one of the best things about MGF. It kept me consistent and motivated me to show up for myself and others!

-Mackenzie, 30s

I’ve been working out now more than ever before bc you make it fun and less stressful! Thanks for inspiring so many people and using your God-given gifts to help motivate people towards better health. Can’t thank you enough!

-Chelsea L., 30s

Morgan’s group workouts are fantastic!!! Just right amount of challenge!! (Sometimes a little more). She gives clear instruction, is attentive and encouraging to the group! 

-Jana R., 60s

The Summer Strong Challenge improved my full body fitness and overall workout intensity. It also helped me improve my outlook on my body image.

-Tara B., 30s

I can already see physical changes (arms more toned, legs and abs leaner). I have also seen improvement in my overall commitment and motivation to workout...seeing changes this quickly is a big motivation booster as well.

-Ornella, 20s

I saw a lot of progress in my endurance and strength overall. I also saw a huge change in my motivation and ability to sustain the workouts week by week

Athleta x MGF Workout

Enjoy this low impact strength workout filmed at Athleta Cherry Creek hitting all major areas of the body but honing in on the upper body, core, and glutes while getting in plenty of cardio! In this 3 part circuit we kick things off by hitting the lower body, then in circuit 2 we transition into working the upper body and core with cardio worked in. Lastly we wrap things up with a core burner finisher focusing on building core and ab strength! Enjoy!


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